Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Where in the hell did 12 years go?

I had originally wrote this the morning of Matt's graduation with every single intention of publishing it that afternoon, once I got the proof in the envelope. Needless to say, here we are 6 months later and I'm just now posting it.

Yeah....mom of the year right here.


Today is the day. Today my oldest puts on his cap and gown to walk across the stage leading to the rest of his life.

Did I think he was going to get here? Hell no. Yeah, I had the up-most confidence in him but let's just say he takes after me when it comes to procrastination. Since Tuesday of last week, he's been writing, reading, learning and listening to me harp on him to get everything done. Things he needed and should of gotten done from the beginning of the six weeks.

But here we are, then end of his 12 years of eduction in the public school system. If there was one thing that I ever did for you, it was making sure that you were always in the same school. I did enough to you in our personal lives that I didn't want your school life screwed up. You can thank me for that later *eyeroll*

I could go on and on about how proud I am of you, and how much you've accomplished but you know that. You know how proud I am. I knew you could do it. And now you are done hearing me bitch about getting your work done...for now :)

I love you Matt and I'm so very proud to have you as my son! Congratulations to you and the whole class of Dunedin High School....Class of 2009!!

Pre-K Graduation from Tutor Time '96

June 6, 2009

Please say my name right

The Graduate